New  birth  for

 The charitable organization "Ray of Light Golan", city Katzrin, Israel  
Minister for Women 
 Сhurch "Light of the Golan Heights" in the Сongregation "Living Israel

       In July of 2008, the leader of the female ministries Natalia had arrived to                   
Katzrin. She became Pastor Gennady’s wife and opened a women's warm House. It 
accepted at once 8 women, who needed salvation and deliverance. It is for them 
then this villa had been rented, which later became a favorite home for the 
entire community of Katzrin.

/Photo: Natalia and Gennady Shaulov with their children 
born in Katzrin/






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Happy to help you 

if you need help

In The Women's Warm Home of spiritual recovery, you will receive 

*a room for 2 persons in a Women's Warm house 
*outerwear, underwear, bed linen, towels and things of personal hygiene (shampoo, soap, etc.)
*food, medicines
* Assistance in visiting doctors, hospitals and medical examinations, transportation to the medical procedures,carried out in another city
*assistance and representation of a lawyer, if they have trouble with the law because of their past life.
*prayer support at all stages
*assistance in the restoration of family relations.
*Bible classes and meetings 3 times a day
*Baptizing in Jordan (at will)
*Birthday Celebrations
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