New  birth  for

 The charitable organization "Ray of Light Golan", city Katzrin, Israel  
Minister for Women 
 Сhurch "Light of the Golan Heights" in the Сongregation "Living Israel

      «Let us hold fast the confession of our hope unyieldingly. For he who promised is faithful» 

   Здесь вы видите фотографии прекрасных женщин, чьи сердца и жизни были изменены  Иисусом . Здесь вы можете прочесть о том, как сверхъестественное вмешательство Бога изменило их судьбы. Это не только чудеса исцелений и освобождений...

      Here you can see photos of beautiful women, whose hearts and lives have been changed by Jesus. Here you can read how supernatural intervention of God have changed their fates. It is not only miracles of healing and deliverance…

         Это биографии, каждая из которых заслуживает быть большим литературным романам о человеке, который  погибал и уже жил в аду, и  о том, как доброта и милосердие Божие завоевали сердце и помыслы человека и вывели его на дорогу жизни, вечной жизни и Божьей любви.

        Each of these biographies, deserves to be a great literary novel about a person, who was dieing and already lived in hell, and how the kindness and mercy of God won the heart and thoughts of such person and took him on the road of life, eternal life and God's love

          Читайте их свидетельства!

          Read their testimonies! 

                           Natalya Shaulov.

 (director of the charitable organization "Ray of Light of the Golan Heights," the leader of the women's     ministrythe wife of the pastor Gennady Shaulov):
" I grew up in a good family, married, gave birth to the son, finished as many, institute and I led usual wordly life, not really good because without God.  In two years of stay in Israel I started using drugs. I lost everything that at me was (the Satan enticed me and I tried to break my life). I was in dependence six long years which conducted me to death.
 God found me at that heavy moment of my life when I died. I was crushed by this world, I got to hospital when to live I still had some hours … "  continued certificates and life today.

Через два года пребывания в Израиле я начала употреблять наркотики. Я потеряла все, что у меня было (сатана завлек меня и пытался сломать мою жизнь). В зависимости я находилась шесть долгих лет, которые вели меня к смерти. продолжение.



"I am32. I lived in the streets of Tel Aviv. I had a friend, we lived in fornication and we both were addicted to hard drugs." continued certificates and life today.

Я жила на улице в Тель-Авиве. У меня был друг, мы жили в блуде, и мы оба были зависимы от тяжелых наркотиков.   продолжение



                                  Natalia Kuzovkin

"I'm from Ukraine.Live in Israel since 1999. I have been dependent on alcohol about 10 years...My husband and I divorced and I went to work with "living." I lived in a family which members I cared for around the clock, but they did not pay me my salary.I was embarrassed to ask it… I was very shy and timid. It was easier for me to continue to live the way I lived, having the corner to live and food, than to ask about the salary ... And I could not go anywhere without a penny in the pocket ... and I drank alcohol more and more! continued certificates and life today

Мы развелись с мужем, и я пошла работать «с проживанием». Я жила в семье, за членами которой ухаживала, круглосуточно, но мне не платили, а мне было неудобно спросить… Я была очень застенчивой и робкой. Мне легче было просто продолжать жить так, как я жила, имея свой угол и пищу, чем спросить о зарплате… И я не могла никуда уйти без копейки денег…И я пила все больше и больше!   продолжение


All the women in the photographs were previously dependent,

not only on drugs and alcohol, but also on the internet, money or career .

Elena. She was  dependent on drugs for  many years. The Lord  freed her. Now she is a  servant of God and the  pastor's wife. 




Tamara was in a deep depression. Now she is a servant of the warmth of home.
















Sofia      Nina      Aleksandra   
  Neli   Anastasia   Nadejda
  Natalia     Tatiana     Galina  
  Nadejda   Elena   Karina
                    Anastasia                 Ekaterina                       Tatiana  
   Natalia   Inga   Elena
  Irina       Irina      Julia       
  Jana   Sveta  
Friday, 27.12.2024, 03:17
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In The Women's Warm Home of spiritual recovery, you will receive 

*a room for 2 persons in a Women's Warm house 
*outerwear, underwear, bed linen, towels and things of personal hygiene (shampoo, soap, etc.)
*food, medicines
* Assistance in visiting doctors, hospitals and medical examinations, transportation to the medical procedures,carried out in another city
*assistance and representation of a lawyer, if they have trouble with the law because of their past life.
*prayer support at all stages
*assistance in the restoration of family relations.
*Bible classes and meetings 3 times a day
*Baptizing in Jordan (at will)
*Birthday Celebrations
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