New  birth  for

 The charitable organization "Ray of Light Golan", city Katzrin, Israel  
Minister for Women 
 Сhurch "Light of the Golan Heights" in the Сongregation "Living Israel

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Friday, 27.12.2024, 02:59
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Happy to help you 

if you need help

In The Women's Warm Home of spiritual recovery, you will receive 

*a room for 2 persons in a Women's Warm house 
*outerwear, underwear, bed linen, towels and things of personal hygiene (shampoo, soap, etc.)
*food, medicines
* Assistance in visiting doctors, hospitals and medical examinations, transportation to the medical procedures,carried out in another city
*assistance and representation of a lawyer, if they have trouble with the law because of their past life.
*prayer support at all stages
*assistance in the restoration of family relations.
*Bible classes and meetings 3 times a day
*Baptizing in Jordan (at will)
*Birthday Celebrations
Мы готовы помочь вам с любовью,
если вам нужна наша помощь.
В Теплом Женском Доме духовного восстановления вы можете получить по благодати Божьей всё,
 что необходимо для нормальной жизни.

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